>>46653905>Xatu have been known for their unwavering patience, and have been frequently seen roosting at the Ruins of Abundance by only those tenacious enough to make it through Haina Desert. It's rumored that Tapu Bulu gets along well with Xatu, as they have patience in common, and Tapu Bulu's signature ability Grassy Surge helps the roosting Xatu rest; whether or not Xatu assists Tapu Bulu with its Future Sight to protect the ruins out of thanks is unknown, but highly speculated, as Tapu Bulu's accuracy to answering threats has been described to be that of a time traveller.Xatu's presence also helped inspire the creation of totems through the words of those who saw them and returned. It is said they are intertwined with the Guardian of Ula'Ula Island in some way, and was thought to be sacred through their connection.