>>12080049Geez. This is a real weird time to be thinking about your parents. Even weirder to be thinking about it while you and Breaker are situated behind a rather heavy-duty rock, spying on the enigmatic evil-doers you spotted earlier.
You assume they're evil, because for whatever reason, the Crystal Baby does not seem to be reacting optimistically to them.
However, upon closer inspection, a few more things become evident. Either the villains you have come into contact with are rather low-brow in the business, or you have come across some more lackeys.
A Jigglypuff, Clefairy, a Chansey, and a Cherrim riding atop the Chansey's head.
None of the four appear to have happy faces on. They appear to be rather grim in fact.
To make matters worse, they appear to be hoarding the other four Crystal Babies! The homeboys of the one you have!
You frown at the sight of the grim pink Pokemon, "Uh oh..This doesn't look too good. They LOOK like friendly Pokemon, but I dunno Breaker, something about those four isn't sticking right with me...I think we should just bug off. Maybe the Crystal Baby was tricking you after all! L-Leading you into a trap or something!"
Breaker grits her teeth, "Grr...Nonsense Axew! Quiet being a baby, Oshawotts don't give up in a challenge, and neither should Axews! We're gettin' to the bottom of this! But you're right with one thing. Those dopes look really mean-spirited. Just walking up to them out of the blue could be seen as suspicious, yet we also have to get those babies from them. Those babies are meant only to be devoured by Gurdurr, we're not failing this mission!"
"Good. Come up with a substantial plan them, because I'm dried up!"
Breaker removes her scallop, tapping her chin with it lightly, "Hmm....I'll...I'll think of something, I promise."
>How do Axew and Breaker go about interacting with the four pinksters?