>>50185795Finally, yajimas curse he has cast onto the series has been lifted. it was a nothing burger for serenas faggot fanbase they got what they deserved especially after what they did these last few days amour is OVER them getting rid of the crush is unironically the best thing that happen to her character it showed real growth from her. there was nothing for armorfags NOTHING
>no hugs and kisses>no ribbon>1 interaction>low budget for her ep>less than 30 seconds of interaction>no meaningful dialog >THE DIRECTOR MADE SURE TO NOT GET THE SHIPPING WRITERS FOR HER EP>copyed the DP goodbye>and a final closing for her story and characterthe sun LITERALLY set on her ITS OVER
the amount of damage control serena fans are doing is incredible
no advertisements no VA interviews beforehand no promotion of any kind
no merch 1-2 pages on a magazine the day before nothing at all for them
I feel bad for the serena fan who like her for her not the ship
amuor shippers deserve no mercy after what they did they don't even watch the series or probably like pokemon. give them steel, never let them live this down