Pokédoko is a weekly Pokémon variety show starring Abareru-kun, Ryogo Matsumaru, Hikaru Takahashi and Shuhei Nakano
>A Flare Strike Game Celebrating the Release of the New Pokémon Card Game Expansion Pack / Pokémon Role Play SpecialToday's guests: Idle Aki Suda, rocker Ryoka Fujisawa and comedian Soichi Nakaoka
Stream at:
https://ok.ru/videoembed/7174713646708https://stream01.willfonk.com/live_playlist.m3u8?cid=BS297&r=FHD&ccode=JP&m=d0:20:20:04:35:cc&t=0d6938cb3dcf4b79848bc1753a59daf1https://vnpt.nekocdn.xyz/202bea4f-c55a-4dbc-a5f3-66343cc98b0b.m3u8 Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn4TcKUUIm0 >Top cutie Aki-chan, aka Aki Suda from Cho Tokimeki Sendenbu, makes her grand debut, running wild alongside Mrs. Green Apple and Nakaoka from Lotti in a Flare Strike game celebrating the release of the new Pokémon Card Game expansion pack! >Summary:>A Pokémon Role Play Special:>Fujisawa from Mrs. Green Apple is ready to give it a try!>Here's a hint: It's a certain Pokémon that resembles a member of Mrs. Green Apple?!