An alarming portion of the /vp/ industry portrays us as circlejerkers, autists, and degenerates, but we were also Showderp once. The media highlights the spamming and the stale inside joke memes, but we haven't forgotten our basic tenets of 1 champ armed with the 6 fastest suggestions. They call us unruly in our fight against the Smogonites of Pokemon Showdown. The media focuses on the controversial users like dyxia and nurusu because they make the news, but we also have good users like Roxle on his way to graduating Showderp and getting his life back on track. For example, important information like champs being able to decide tiers and being able to call for new teams or a new champ when ready gets overshadowed by sensational outbursts like "im gay". I am tired of my people being treated with disregarding eyes. From the most nostalgic oldfag to the littlest neoderp, we all deserve better.
Here are some enriching films that can maybe change your perspective on us.
>12 Years A Cuck>Think Like A Meme>Think Like A Meme Too>Straight Outta Showderp>Black DynamiteLord Walder Frey !!3RES2CMBCmi