Been going through all the blue games lately anyway so next up is X. I do like how every first Kalos team looks completely different, yet somehow I've managed to get the same monkey from Santalune forest as in my Y run.
Not much to comment on yet. I usually find Viola's Vivillon surprisingly scary but with half a team strong to it we had little issue taking it down. Kalos really opens up after the first visit to Lumiose so my team is subject to change very soon. Not quite sure who's coming along and who's getting benched yet, kinda depends on what we get next.
>>57406113Always found Platinum Volkner to be less scary than DP honestly, because he just doesn't have many answers for ground types and absolutely nothing to threathen any of the multiple water/grounds you get in Sinnoh.
Don't forget to pick up the Earthquake TM in Wayward Cave for Garchomp, pretty sure it doesn't learn it naturally in gen 4.
>>57405979Respect for being willing to tough it out for flamethrower with Growlithe, I've always hated how long they force you to wait for that move. How is Quilfish keeping up?
>>57405475Congrats! USUM isn't easy so great job! That's a real powerhouse team too so not surprised it went well.
>Alola was a lot of fun and I don't think I gave it a fair rating when I first played all those years agoI can relate to that, I was surprised how much I loved nuzlocking USUM, the Totems are a really fun challenge. I think you're kinda in for a culture shock with how easy Sword will feel afterwards though but I imagine that will be a lot more relaxing.
>>57403879That Eevee/Paras(?) mix is adorable, even though lore-wise that's kinda dark. Absolutely hate the abomination that is that Beedrill/Vulpix though.
You got any specific rules behind fusing/unfusing pokemon?