Hey /vp/, Name Rater here. In my spare time I not only rate nicknames, but also rate the choice of pokebro. Ratings incoming!
>>358772598/10 Classic choise; strong, reliable, mature mons
>>358772749/10 Love it, best bros come unexpectedly. Very unorthodox choice, awesome
>>358772826/10 Although a great and reliable mon, he has been ruined by his fans. I'm sure you are the exception though, trainer!
>>358772988/10 Badass mafia boss crow--what's not to love? A very intelligent and level-headed pokebro to choose
>>35877327>>358772448/10 Starter? Fully evolved? Classic design? Makes this a hell of a reliable that you guys have been through it all with them
>>358773719/10 Fully evolved started but with even more personality, versatility, and just an all-out awesome pokemon that can protect you from legendaries, nice!
>>35877395<PIC NOT FOUND>/10 Would rate but it seems you don't have a photo of your pokebro, trainer