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Vs Blue
Minwu kills it in two Ice Punches, easily tanking the two Wing attacks it throws out.
James comes in on a SolarBeam charge and oneshots it with Flamethrower.
I send Vector in on an Earthquake. Surf makes short work of Rhydon.
Earthquake barely fails to kill and Alakazam throws out a Reflect. Surf finishes it off.
Gurdy gets Hydro Pumped as she comes in to Thunderbolt Gyarados dead.
I send Minwu in and he eats a Flamethrower with little issue. Extremespeed does a nasty amount of damage, but Arcanine falls to a Surf Crit.
Only Red left. I've said before that I don't like the grind for him. There's no actual difficulty at all in it- it's just tedium. I'd just go to a stupidly safe grind spot and mindlessly beat stuff up for days.
Red is the one and only thing I will use Rare Candy cheats for in these Nuzlockes.