Serena is banned from this thread; Lillie is best girl.
Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.
>NOT-SHIT SUBS: >Preview of upcoming episodes: >MOVIE 21: POCKET MONSTERS THE MOVIE 2018 (JULY 13TH, 2018) 1: Next episode:
>SM62 - The Dark Nyarth is an Alola Nyarth!? [February 15th] Upcoming episodes:
>SM63 - Burn with Passion, Nyabby! Down with Gaogaen!! [February 22nd]>SM64 - Satoshi and Nagetukesaru! A Touchdown of Friendship!! [March 1st]>SM65 - Ilima and Eievui Have Ilimade Their Entrance!! [March 8th] Shit people will ask:
>Is Lillie winning the Ashbowl?She already has!
>Muh subs when?[PM] and [Some-Stuffs] are subbing are subbing SM. PM is behind and their releases can happen any time of the week, Some-Stuffs is up to date and releases pretty quickly after the episode airs.
Old thread: