>>51150309>That's not a problem with the current levelling system in the slightest.What? The levelling system as it is now ensures the mid game practically doesn't exist
>Forcing people to stick with Ember or Razor Leaf>it's just forcing people to use worse versions of movesThe only difference between ember and flamethrower is a bigger number. There's no meaning behind it other than number go up, and by the time you have flamethrower you also have your 3 other smogon coverage moves and have no reason to keep encore, an actually interesting move.
>Legendaries have inherently higher stats, level isn't everything.Their BST aren't that impressive, and them only being 5 levels above you is definitely not impressive both mechanically and lore wise.
>So you box a level 200 Pokemon to not "waste exp"You will never reach level 200
>Everything has its limits, and just moving them up doesn't stop that from happening.And you will likely never reach that limit, because that's how natural limits work. Discounting aging complicating the process, you would never reach your peak physical form even after a decade of working out.
>If your game expects the player to hit level 100 before they're done with all of the side content, it's poorly designed.Because...?