Well... that happened.
I beat the E4 easily enough. My only casualty ended up being my downfall, however: Cofagrigus died to a crit Earthquake while switching in to what I thought would be a Close Combat from Marshal's Sawk.
Iris wasn't going that badly. Volcarona got a QD up and killed her Latias and Latios easily, Samurott came out and took down the Dragonite, all was fine... and then Serperior emerged.
If I'd had Cofagirgus, which is ghost/steel, it would've resisted, maybe been able to handle it. Instead, it got to +2 while I sent in Volcarona, oneshot that with a Draco Meteor and got to +4, and I watched as my team died one by one.
Krookodile, my second to last mon, came in and used Sucker Punch in hopes that the life orb damage it took was enough to bring it down.. nope. Barely survived, killed Krook, and finally succumbed to life orb.
That left just my starter, Deyna the Samurott. Iris had Hydreigon and Haxorus left. The good news? Hydreigon spammed Draco Meteor, and Samurott can't be critted, so I heal spammed and killed that easily.
Bad news? the Haxorus was sashed, lived a Sacred Sword (WHY DIDNT I USE ICE BEAM+AQUA JET?????????????) and finished off Deyna with a +1 Outrage
In hindsight, it was fucking winnable. Ice Beam + Aqua Jet likely would've killed it (granted, she still had full restores..), or I could've heal spammed until outrage confused and fished for it to hit itself. But truth be told, this run has been weighing on me for the last few days, and one way or another, I just wanted it over with..
Well, we got fucked. Almost clutched, but wasn't enough. Maybe I'll beat hard mode Blaze Black 2 another time.
My next run will be a Renegade Platinum Potterlocke, so here's hoping that goes a little bit better. Ruleset here: