>>45178035It's really not that bad if you look at it in context.
Wolfe Glick, Markus Stadter, and Baris Akcos are best friends, so they teambuild together, making the 3 identical teams far less egregious.
Also, the Primals, Mega Fug, and Xerneas are just a given. The restricted slots are a brilliant way to keep every team from being the exact same 6 box legends.
Take those away, and the only mon that appears more than twice is Bronzong, and Bronzong is primarily a utility mon rather than a mindless unga bunga mon that wins because it has better numbers.
And that's not even taking into account the changes from the previous year. Only 3 of the 5 members of the infamous CHALK core appear at all in the top 8, and Landorus (the one that was on every single team in 2015) doesn't appear at all.
It only looks bad if you're a pleb and don't actually understand the game.