>>51391283How do you get your favs in ?
>>51391284>rom hack.Yea I know however after playing a random pokemon in grass rom hack I do not tihnk I can ever go back to normal pokemon.
This is why I was talking about the
The game creates 3 teams of 6 mons. This should spice things a little.
And pokemon did have one time choices like this since day 1.
I mean I literally get hollowed out thinking
>Oh a fire pokemon is good here>>>No way to get fire type before half into the game.And it really gets me down.
Or maybe include something like a in game pokemon buying mechanic? To get any mon you like however your money is limited? Or make it based on coupons? Exchange a couponsfor any mon you like in this pokemon shop?
>>51391296So I'm not the only one. I like playing and experimenting in showdown. Or get a all random team in showdown.