>>15948621I had no other images of Shadow saved, sorry.
I am actually more tolerant of Shadow and Silver than the SA-1-and-onwards! Sonic, who for some reason strikes me as... a poorly developed character.
Though the better part of the reasoning for this lies in SanicTeam's unparalleled LOVE for all these "Reality would have dissolved into nothingness if it wasn't for SANIC! All life would have ended if it wasn't for SANIC! The world would have ended if it wasn't for SANIC!"-storylines. I feel...worn out with every such thing.
Though the poison runs too deep now. I merely hope that Pokemon Z will expand on the ending like Emerald and Platinium did - with both shoving how the villain's actions would prove futile in all outcomes in the big picture. Because now we have arrived in the same pit as Sanic storylines.