>>49786783Has anyone here ACTUALLY watched his video on Gen 2? Because
it's fucking awful.>Qwilfish fucking sucks!meanwhile Qwilfish has 95 ATK and 85 SPD at base
>hurr there are so many forgettable Pokémon!god forbid not everything is a shitty soulless marketingmon
>the Pokémon distribution sucks!>meanwhile the actual game has: ledyba, spinarak, hoppip, dunsparce, teddiursa(C), phanpy(C), bellsprout, geodude, onix, gastly, hoothoot, zubat, growlithe(C), caterpie(G/C/HG) and weedle(S/C/SS) and spearow available before Falkneraka better distribution than gens 1, 4 and 5
>but most of those are unusable shitmon!sounds like a skill issue, especially coming from a """""pro nuzlocker"""""