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There are a few things that puzzle me about the anime.
1. Why didn't Brock had a replacement for Hoenn and Sinnoh?
You think after giving Misty the boot, they go all the way. [Save for Ash and Pikachu of course]
I know Brock a pretty chill guy and Cilan was practically gift wrapped to be the cook.
However, since they are trying to promote their respective generations, a Hoenn/Sinnoh gym Leader as a travel companion would be more understandable.
Plus Roxanne and Roark are Rock type gym leaders. Hmm..
2. Why did the writers give Ash a fully evolved team?
Pikachu gets a pass. Even in Sinnoh and Hoenn, Buizel and Corphish remained unevolved.
Aren't the likes of Floatzel, Crawdaunt, Blastoise, Venusaur, Feraligatr, Typhlosion etc. marketable?
3. From a marketing stand point, even as much as implying Ash celebrated his birthday would been too risky?
Since their audience are always the current generation of Japanese kids with parents with disposable income, and the whole "still 10" thing in Unova. If they really wanted a 10 year old protag you think they get a new protag or go full on rebooting Ash.