Pokémon Clover is a QUALITY romhack featuring a brand new region called Fochun, as well as 386 fresh new fakemons that puts Quartz to shame! Clover has been an ongoing project for a team comprised together from anonymous posters on the /vp/ board. Started in 2015 as a janky FireRed rehash, it has since become a complete ROM overhaul featuring new maps, characters, story, and a completely original soundtrack.
Features include:
>386 original fakemon>Enhanced audio sampling>Brand new custom made music>Physical/special split + fairy type>Various updated mechanics>GSC-style berry trees>Wonder Trading>Mugshots for important characters>New custom Poké Balls>Black/White 2 Repel system>Gen 6 style capture-experience system>New custom items>Reusable TMs>HM moves are forgettableDOWNLOAD THE LATEST PATCH HERE:
Apply to the "1636 - Pokemon Firered (U)(Squirrels)" base rom.
Pokémon Clover doc for Mon info:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IkewXRcMI7PzBgm1HnN-8oUrhtebyiiBf0-KBWXI9PU/edit?usp=sharingRemember to report any bugs!