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You've got two badges under your belt, congratulate your mons on their hard work, and take them to the local Pokecenter. This larger town means a longer wait time before your Pokemon are fully healed, so you take off to look at a store or something while waiting.
On return there's several police vehicles up front, tape preventing people from approaching the Pokemon center, and a small crowd has gathered. You quickly learn the Pokecenter has been robbed by the local villain team. After speaking with the Officers you are told that some Pokemon were stolen, and only two of your four Pokemon are still there. Your starter and second mon are both gone, leaving you with your two lower level additions that were caught recently.
Officer Jenny and a partner were in pursuit, but there's no telling where your first two Pokemon are, and you only have a vague idea of which way the culprit fled town. The Officers remind you to let them do their work when you ask for more info and to not get involved.
What do you do?