>>44384024I decide to go with Pa'u(Psychic) Reginella for this fight. Baile(Fire) is technically the best offensive version here by far, but Lycanroc's Stealth Rock means the only way she ever gets into battle is someone dies to let her in.
Pom-Pom(Electric), usually the best, is walled by both Magnezone and Decidueye, unlike Pa'u.
I also put Ice Beam back on Tidy, and change up Riju's moveset a bit.
>vs Kukui>LycanrocIt puts up Stealth Rock, and Riju Dragon Dances.
Lycanroc then misses a Stone Edge, which I find a very helpful turn of events. Riju keeps Dancing.
She Dances on for two more turns, taking a Stone Edge each time.
After that, she finally Brick Breaks Lycanroc into paste.
>Alolan Ninetales>BraviaryThis second Dancing Queen takes each of them out with Rock Slide.
>DecidueyeIt falls to a Shadow Claw Crit(probably didn't need the crit).
>MagnezoneBrick Break pushes it all the way down to Sturdy, and Thunder Wave gets negated by Riju's Cheri Berry.
Several turns(either 3 or 4) of Full Restores and Brick Breaks follow, before Kukui finally stops healing Magnezone, allowing Riju to take it out with Brick Break.
>SnorlaxA final Brick Break, and the Pokémon Sun NuzLocke is over!