>>43009910To put it into perspective. I redowloaded this game when I got my new Cellphone on March 5. I stopped playing around october last year so by best stuff was around level 100, and the Giovanni event started literally that very night.
By today I have a 4/5 Giovanni that is mostly this strong because I've used Giovanni's event to farm Elite 4 Notes to power people up for the Villa, which is fucking my shit sideways because I am like 4 months behind in common knowledge about the game. I've also finished the entire Mew event, only have Silver and Bronze tickets left on the Steven Shop, got Hau to 2/5 (mostly bought the tonics, holy shit I need those tonics), and pretty much cleared every mission in the event tab.
So yeah as long as you have a level 105 Karen on point you can autobattle Very Hard leave it overnight. Wake up to thousands of tickets.
>>43010186It was awesome logging in to the game and have those clear themsevels insantly for like 15000 gems. I got so high off that I came back. All I really reinstalled the game for was
to see Phoebe's 3D model again because she's waifu