Quoted By:
>Best Main Games
XY. I don't think I've ever enjoyed the initial entry as much as I did X and Y. I was barely able to finish BW.
>Best Third game (Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/Plat/BW2)
Platinum. I -loved- how weird Giratina's dungeon and lore were. It made Giratina seem really really special in a way that few legendaries ever feel.
>Best overall
HG/SS. The sheer amount of fan-service coupled with updating the game as though a decade had passed was really great. The Pokewalker literally lead me to lose 30 pounds. Every time I go for long walks, I think about having a little Dusknoir in my pocket.
BW. I think I liked X and Y a bit more, but the first time I really really noticed how nice the music was a whole was in Black and White.
>Gym Leaders
D/P. Ohhhhh, Fantina~
>Elite 4
XY. For whatever reason, XY has the most memorable group. I like all of them by a huge amount, whereas I hated at least one member of each other elite four. BW was a close second, but the fighting guy was very stupid.
Team Rocket. Their bumbling lack of direction coupled with their strange foray into genetics still make me love them. Also; Jessie's tits.
Y. I think I'm more or less alone in this opinion, but I found the plotline with AZ very unsettling and sad. The idea of entire eras where wars were fought with pokemon is pretty profound, and that a pokemon straight up -dies- on camera and shows up in a tiny coffin implied a lot of terrible things about the world we don't usually see. I also thought the leader of Team Flare was very likeable, and I felt like there was a lot they were holding back about his story. A hard-assed bearded man doesn't shed a tear for no reason.
Frankly, I though BW's story was pretty bland. All the good bits, like N and the idea of pokemon being slaves bound to the will of trainers, were fucked up by how generic the main villain was.
>Usable Pokémon
D/P. Best ghosts. Plus a ghost legendary. Perfect.