>>48194625okay im actually confounded by this, so i just beat brock and finished putting my dead mons in the grave box i left pewter without withdrawing anything thinking specifically i'd catch something in mt moon like an onyx to make a steelix or a clafairy to make a clefable to trade to get an espeon but i low and behold i get a few steps into the route and i check my pokemon's health because i forgot to fill up and i wanted to see how bad it was if i should turn back or go and get to mt moons pokecenter first. Then i saw this fucking egg was sitting in my 6th party slot and idk how it got there or whats in it. i'll keep everybody posted but im authentically flabbergasted if it's a glitch, something from the storm patch of soul silver, something from soul silver itself which i never played before this (i played original silver as a kid.) not sure whats gonna come out of it but it adds another adventure to add to the list.