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I'll just greentext.
>grind up my Unown a bit before Bugsy, trying to figure out his hidden power
>between Fire and Flying
>hype myself up that it will be Fire
>find out near Goldenrod while battling a Mankey that it's Flying
>catch a Poliwag
>go level it up against some trainers, dude throws out a Diglett
>first Bubble crits
>"this is going to be easy"
>Magnitude 10.
>Poliwag faints
FUCK. I also had to sacrifice a couple Pokémon due to stupid strong trainers (Magmar is okay I guess but Raichu with Thunderbolt? Fuck off), but at least Whitney was a breeze. Bugsy was too, with Hypnosis and Curse cheesing. I also spent quite a long time grinding up coins at the Game Corner to get Thunder for Phanta - relying on Lick until after Morty would just be stupid. My team is pretty much a bunch of misfits, but it has been working pretty good so far. I quite like it.
Also, a question: should I be allowed to use Eevee even after winning with a Flareon on Yellow? I feel like I shouldn't, but the nature of Eevee evolutions makes me unsure. What do you guys think?