>>44833295So either a woman, a LARPer, or a containment breach from /lgbt/ or tumblr. Arguing with people on a mongolian noodle website on a board dedicated to a children's game isn't going to change anyone's mind or give you any internet clout. It's quite obvious to any onlooker that you have convinced yourself that suffering is a one way street. It is not. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction-- for every woman called fat, there is a man called short, for every woman who starves herself and throws up into toilets, there is a man who spends thousands on borderline poisonous placebo drugs to get taller or regrow lost hair. For every person who says "haha whamen are 2 emoshunall lulz" there is a person who says "real men don't cry, man up." I don't get why this happens, but it does, and until we all either die or make a true effort to change that, this is our hell. Girls in cartoons and movies will forever be sexualized because it makes money, and lord knows my mother and cousins went to see Aquaman just for Jason Mamoa's abs. Stop blaming bystanders for their inaction, they are not the "other" that you seek, the ones who make the rules are.