OKLEY DOKLEY FOLKLEYS, I said I'd do the plot changes maps so I'm thinking this is the format I'm doing it in (unless plotchat has something to say about it). A stepped gradient of blue shows the route. The route follows the shortest possible path minimizing distance travelled and usage of fly. This will be the baseline to compare changes to. Changes will be displayed in a similar manner (cropped if for a single location) with relevant default locations/routes displayed next to it. I may consider adding red numbers indicating gyms and green numbers indicating plot encounters but I'll take your feedback on that.
>>21088321WIKI like it is or implement whatever changes people are asking for in this thread then wiki. We've done enough for this and we honestly have made a pretty bang up moveset. It could be better, but we've got 200-some mons to ship this thing with. Having every moveset being "just" bang up would make our game pretty fucking stellar.