>>40055000Checked, tough shell on the outside but really just looking for a bro to share some comradery with
>>40055019Smugrat to the end, class clown or prankster irl, maybe?
>>40055051You appreciate a good mix of competence with softness; capable where and when it counts but hugs and snugs otherwise
>>40055100You have a hard time counting irl, much to the determent of your accountant position
>>40055201You still dress up for halloween despite being past the normal age group
>>40055210You don't mind having some legendaries or meta pokemon on your team if you think they look cool; a fan of wyverns
>>40055211I hate the Porygon = technolgoy cliche, but Durant being there too makes me feel like you enjoy working with hardware, or are some sort of tech enthusiast
>>40055213You're someone who likes to see some no-nonsense, no frills capability in others. Reliable and capable to the core
>Alolan Ninetales>Suicune>Serperior