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Literally every other game in the series fucking sucks compared to the Sun and Moon series and are piss easy compared to Ultra sun and Ultra moon.
These are literally the best undisputed best games of the entire franchise.
DS cucks and 2D tards defending their shitty easy as fuck Sinnoh and Unova gens can get just not waste their breath trying to defend their games. Pokemon only got good with X and Y and Sun and Moon were the peak of the franchise.
>Totems are the hardest fight and ultra necrozma is the hardest in the entire series
>2v1 battles will always be harder than 1 v 1 shit mons
>Cynthia is a joke and people who say she's hard are morons
>Black and White 2 are literally some of the easiest games in the franchise only saved from that title with the existence of LGPE.
>2D sprites are uglier than the 3d ones
>Sun and Moon have the most post game content and most interesting mechanics, gyms are outdated
>Best customization and best pokemon added to the games, plus better forms of shitty mons from other generations
I could go on but there's literally no debate.