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Anyways, one last thing before I got to eat:
I spent, I shit you not, 2 hours screen sharing with DME over skype showing him with art and geometry and perspective and all this other shit why I came to this conclusion.
In regards to the monkeyzuma thing, both me and him agree that the connectedness is just how the artist is trying to show that the hairs masses are intersecting. the issue is, it doesn't do that at the other spots where that happens, and it is misleading, and that the beard change would NOT be a minor change, but an art fix.
Think of it this way: Take two hair brushes, and pushes the side with the point things towards each other, and take a step back, and try to draw it. You wouldn't draw each inidivual pointy thing, ou'd just draw a mass of lines. Hair is the same way: It's complicated to draw and render indivually, so both for 2d and 3d, it is simplified. For example, if you look at gokus hair, it is drawn as geometric shapes. But trunks hair is shown as strands. What is happening with the "connected beard" is just what happens with the two hair brushes: The strands are intersecting. Obviously, we can't draw a mass of lines or each strand of hair as what would happen, so we have to do it GOKU style instead of trunks style, which would be to add a seperation line.
So, all of that said, which of these 3 do you like best? A, B, or C?
There will be a minor change where the entire front part of the beard is made larger and covers the same are where it connects now, but until then, this will decide how it is done. No, how it is now is not an option, unless you edit it to show that they aren't the same hair mass, and the hairs are just intermixixng.