nice water tiles bro
also nice post-final boss rewards, really feeling these
honestly, what i felt more the accuracy buff retardation was demice being an extremely petty faggot in specific scenarios
good example is a lategame fight that requires you to fight a maushold, and originally there was a sidequest right outside the building that would let you get a rocky helmet. demice being an ubernigger moved the helmet to well after said fight, because obviously the funny detective game needed to have weird tryhard design
also in general grinding sucked fucking dick and basically forced you from doing the majority of sidequests because you couldn't get any money (it got so bad that they charged 20k for a shitty audino team in lategame that would only give you 1 or 2 levels, basically forced you into using a single team). i think they fixed this, thoughver
>>56221160kek, the one faggot i just fought had a bunch of sturdyniggers
great 'enemy design'