i hate the huge power meme and i played radical reddit where she gets sheer force or whatever but she was still really overwhelming, give her some sort of defense boosting ability so she can get some sort of mileage as a wish passer supportmon
>>51213178gets no guard
>>51213181gets shore up or moonlight
>>51213214gets accelrock
>>51213238its fine
>>51213415hes fine but based buff
>>51214040i was really surprised to not see mach/bullet punch or ice shard in this niggas moveset
>>51215322i dont know HOW to fix this nigga, maybe just merge rock and ground so he doesnt have two 4x weaknesses
>>51218547>sig ability that sets up gravitykino, would bump it up a few tiers if it got access to an 100 percent accurate hypnosis and sticky web
psychic surge would also be pretty great
>>51218612dude definitely needs some longevity or at the very least speed to make those super luck boosted night slashes worth while.