>ghost trail>go into the last room, spooked as hell>"Your camera turned on by itself!">Oh god>I know its behind me I know it's behind me I know it's behind me I know it's behind me>freak out and snap immediately >later find out she does a little dance if you look at herThe whole thing was cute without being too spooky, I'm just a baby when it comes to anything remotely horror like.
>Fire trial>keep getting the first dance wrong somehow>focus really fucking hard on the next dance so I don't get anything wrong>hiker>mfwWhat a sweet experience, it's hard to believe I'd have so much fun with S/M even with all the spoils that went live thanks to the leak.
>>30077329>Scizor appears>holy fuck, my Rimbombee is about to get railed>it's only lv.23If it was adequately leveled then it would've been over for rme, but I guess a proper Scizor could easily have been too much since you already have a buffed pseudo in your face.