Of course it's locked to a timed event, of course it's evolution item is gated off for most of he game for some senseless reason, I don't know why Hisuian Braviary is always such a pain in the rectum to obtain in every game we've played so far that had it, in the all gen mod it's locked to absurdly late due to the stupid method needed to evolve it, in Rejuvenation it's evolution method is obscure and easy to miss, in Ashen Frost it's not difficult to get but it's obtainable late and during one of the worst sections in the game.
>>55325176Is that code the ID one for the Mega stone or is it one that enables the debug item spawner? I typically hate cheating but I can only take so much idiotic game design.
>>55325193I really need a Fire type and Delphox is nowhere in sight and I don't think I'm getting Victini or Heatran anytime soon either.
>>55325194Noted, Magearna is pretty fucking stupid T B H, but I still hate that pretty much all legendaries are stuck to post-game as usual.