>>46119154>isolated A Pokemon is free to be with who ever they see fit. It is their choice to travel on an adventure with a human, so they aren't isolated they can do whatever they want or go wherever they want.
>dependentA pokemon can work, talk, do whatever it needs to be self sufficient. It can also just gather food from around the dense forests. Not all Pokemon need humans to do this.
>likely to trust Having trust between you and those you care about is not in itself grooming behavior. You're IRL friends probably trust you and that's happened from time spent with them and trust forming from actions and talking. Unless this trust is used to manipulate them into something they don't like or want this is fine.
>more vulnerable to abusive behavior.If you've made it so they are not dependent on you or isolated they shouldn't feel any more or less vulnerable than they feel comfortable being.
As a Human if you give Pokemon the same amount of respect and trust you give to your regular Human friends, grooming isn't a problem you should be running into if the Pokemon + Human relationship should turn romantic.