>>20521136Not all of us east coasters are animals
>>20521141>>20521286Happy you got them, it's always nice to hear that I ran into someone from /vp/
Out of the one and a half boxes I traded today I got almost a box of useful mons to breed.
Haven't checked IVs
>5-6IVsAn apparent 6IV Chimchar with Thunderpunch
5IV Dive Ball HA Wooper with EM
5IV Staryu
5IV Joltik
>4IVPremier Ball EM Treevanant
Moon Ball Houndour with EM
Ultra Ball Aron with Iron Head
>UnmarkedEM Shellder
EM Dive Ball HA Dratini
Koto the Dive Ball Phanpy with EM
Premier Ball Eevee
HA Gible with Outrage
Knock Off Shuppet
Dusk Ball HA Froakie
EM Absol
Bullet Punch Meditite
And lastly
BRILLO PLATA the level 18 Spanish Rhyhorn.
Need suggestions for what to breed for next WT event (Assuming it's Sept. 1st)
Had fun /vp/ and 2ch.