Quoted By:
>Tutorial/Intro takes thirty minutes
>Even after this, you are constantly being stopped by NPCs so they can force more exposition down your throat.
>Story feels unfinished because game is split into two versions, a third "complete" version is never released.
>Once again, good features previous in the last few games are dropped for no reason.
>Game runs like shit despite being on the Switch finally, removing the excuse of operation on inferior hardware.
>Pokemon have only a basic set of animations and are more rigid than ever when attacking/
>Only Minor BST buffs to Pokemon that need either a mega or a regional variant with new typing to ever actually be viable.
>Meanwhile, Pikachu will get 3 more unique gimmicks that are completely worthless wastes of development time because no matter how much you try to force this stupid rat, it will never be viable FUCKING GAMEFREAK!
>New Pokemon that are even more busted min-maxed monsters than previous generation (like Toxapex)
>Power creep continues to invalidate majority of Pokemon, calling into question why they even still exist.