>[Nuck] Interviewed Niantic [Community Manager] about Incense Changes, 3-Hour Community Day, and MoreA lot of it is what you'd expect: They looked at the data and talked with various people in the community, and the people they talked to told them that they spend the time outside of Community Day to actually communicate and have fun with each other, while they spend the actual time interval of Community Day staring at their phones like a bunch of addicts. "They" mentioned doing what "they" can to get information from the disabled (and plans to release even more methods to communicate with the disable specifically), but not anyone else.
In addition, "they" made clear that all the rollbacks (specifically Pokéstop radius reduction and incense nerfs) were always intended, however they should have done more to communicate the rollbacks ahead of time. "They" also mentioned that remote raid pass nerfs are currently in focus, however Niantic is gonna do what they can to make it not as painful and incorporate changes to make the nerfed remote raid passes not as big of an issue for players.
An interesting thing "they" brought up, which I've always suspected, is that "they" wants to push for high-level players (i.e. lvl. 50s) to become support figures for other players in their local area (megas definitely gave me that vibe). "They" are also trying to move on from the mindset of trying to re-achieve the 2016 hype/environment without "becoming jaded" with that notion.
I did appreciate how "they" acknowledged that Pokémon GO is not meant for everyone, though a little disappointed how "they" also honed in on how Niantic should do what they can to maintain those players that aren't the main group of focus. Apparently right now, Niantic are not too concerned with the current loss of players since they believe the monthly player count will bounce back in one way or another.