>>39204894>You just barely jump out of the way as a massive rock crashes next to youGirafarig: Well, well, looks like the intruders found their way to my domain
Osha: Girafarig! We heard that she got super powered and took down a pseudo legendary. I think. It was a while ago we heard about it, nobody's gonna fact check that. But it was just this mastermind's alterations!
Girafarig: That's right. Before, I was one of the weakest, most forgotten pokemon there was, but now thanks to the master, I'm strong enough to be one of his elite!
Osha: Oh good, immortality too. Better get those awful human devices ready then...
Girafarig: Whatever yo have planned, you'll never succeed, because your journey ends here! There's no possible way you can stand up to my power now!
>0, 3, 8