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Shift Room
All stat increases and decreases are swapped when Shift Room is used and are swapped again when it ends, either five turns later or when Shift Room is used again. So the first swap is temporary and the second swap isn't.
Example uses:
-You could use Swagger before Shift Room ends then you get their attack boost but the opponent is still confused.
-A stat boosting mon's accrued boosts are given to you for up to five turns so if they've been using Accupressure or if they're a speed booster they suddenly have nothing. So Dickpat here would get completely shafted.
-A stat boosting mon that can't not boost (Speed Boost, Moody etc) could be trapped with Block/Mean Look/Shadow Tag etc. then when Shift Room ends any stat boosts/drops they've accrued are given to you.
-Hit them with moves that drop your own stats like Superpower then end Shift Room and the drops are passed to them.
I'm sure you can think of others. That'd send a few into Ubers surely.