>>19029150"The test results came back. Turns out your booty is /under/used... Let's fix that."OH GOD OHH GOD OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD---------------------------------------------------------------------
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms765LHxAS"Contrary to popular belief, Fiddlesticks the Swinub did eventually stop raping Trevor, though only after four more instances of it, where Superpower became so weak as a result of multiple Attack drops that it just wasn't enough to tame that loose caboose anymore. This is of course, ignoring any penis inspection exams that may have taken place during the interval periods between each of the rapes that followed. Believing that he was forever scarred for life, Trevor eventually ended up at Dendemille Mental Institution, where he was also raped by the inmates in the shower, by this point he couldn't even scream anymore because there was no point in doing it. He just sort-of let it happen, while wanting to forget that it ever did happen to begin with. By the time Calem saw the young boy come next morrow, he was back to his usual chipper geeky self."
"And yes, the Swinub was never punished for relentlessly raping Trevor multiple times, in fact, not only did he get off scottfree without a supernatural battle to the death, he also gets to travel with Alice now, goody. As for Melina, she went back to doing Ranger things in places that just happen to be where Calem is."
"As for Calem and Serena? Who cares, I certainly don't, this chapter wasn't even about them anyways. Calem is still going to follow whatshisface or whatever instead of going straight to Anistar, what a buffoon."
"Anyways, so ends the Tale of the Boy and his Tainted Tangerines. What an eternal bore. Anyone who found entertainment in this needs to seriously consider lethal injection."
>「Un Bout Lâche...」>END