>>49282623>Both fossilsPlaying devil's advocate since I don't think Diantha's that great either, but the Tyrantum line is based on a king. You know, Tyrannosaurus Rex joke. Diantha is a princess. She has one because of that probably. I don't know why she has Auroros if anything, and yeah Hawlucha is dumb as fuck on every level. I like your Altaria/Delcatty/Sylveon suggestion way more.
>>49282812What the other anon said about edge/grace. One guy in a different thread a while back said most of Cynthia's team emphasizes her status as a researcher, given that most of them (Garchomp, Milotic, Spiritomb, etc.) are difficult to obtain and you have to really go out of your way to look for them in order to get one, and then others, like Gastrodon, tie into how location affects Pokemon biology, and so on. I also feel like Cynthia has a lot more aesthetic cohesion than Diantha though. At the very least, three of her Pokemon have a dark color palette consisting of dark blues, blacks and purples that compliments her black outfit well.