>>42769072My friend, the way you keep making these threads is kinda astounding. In fact, it reminds me of a story. So, I was having a picnic with my good friend Orville. We were at the beach. It was summer, I believe. We were trying to eat our sandwiches, but these pesky gulls kept trying to eat them while we weren't looking. So, Orville kept swatting at them. After a while, he asked me "Are the seagulls more aggressive as of recent?" Now, I wasn't sure. I wouldn't be surprised. There were a lot more tourists, and seagulls would probably be more active when there were more people. Now, after a while, it seemed like there were like fifty of them, and Orville kept swatting at them. So I said "Orville, why don't we move to that spot under a tree? It's shadier and the seagulls don't go around there." Y'know, for some reason Seagulls always stay in the light. I mean, they probably live in the sun so much, being near the sea, it's in the name, and I'm pretty sure they don't come out at night. Where was I? Oh, yeah, so we moved our picnic stuff under the tree and the birds didn't bother us. What a fine day it was.