Corocoro's next issue "scoop of the century" speculation thread
Anonymous No.12979113 View ViewReport Quoted By:
From Serebii net's news on the corocoro leaks:
>Edit @ 11:53: The teaser for next month's CoroCoro issue, due for release on August 12th 2013, is said that the magazine will contain the biggest scoop of the century. We'll provide details on that next month
So what will the scoop of the century be?
What could be more scoopy than revealing 1 new type?
Could it be TWO MORE new types that nobody has spoilered on the internet yet, or that Unova is south of Kalos and can be visited post game? Maybe even muh Hoenn remake in 3D?
So what do you think the "scoop of the century" will be?
In before it just turns out to be a bog standard interview with Masuda where he reveals a few new pokemon instead of them just being vomited onto the pages of Corocoro and ending up looking like an explosion in a paint factory as usual.