>>50413223> OMG LEFT LOOKS COOLER THAN THE KID WITH DOWN'S SYNDROME WE USUALLY SEE!Also, his hair is incredibly stupid
Also also, shorts fucking suck. Nobody likes you or your Rattata, Youngster Joey.
>>50413236God I love that stupid DeviantArt oc, pic related
>>50413250> F-FANFICTIONAnons have already torn this myth apart and have explained how SM's Ash is far more of a fanfic OC (with his mythical and legendary Pokémon, specially-crafted League title that only HE is allowed to have, PLUS a 'super special snowflake' powerup in the form of 10MV Tbolt) but of course you're just gonna ignore it and keep spinning your own narrative, because you can't like your saga without hating something else. Pathetic.