Welcome to the Pika Party, pull up a post and enjoy the chance to grab an event Pika.
Shiggityboo !sgMKR2DUjA No.20455077 View ViewReport Quoted By:
As many know last night we say the giveaway of the Surfing Pikachu (timid and brave) and with the help of Heart, Luke and Nai as well as searching my bank I now have in my possesion and ready to giveaway a load of event pika's including.
>B-day Pika
>Surfchu (timid and brave)
>Pikachu colored Pichu
I have 30 of each to give out to those who want them and all you need to do is reply to this post and ensure you place all this information in your post.
>IGN: Shiggityboo
>FC: 4425-1930-0880
>Chu: Pichu, Diva etc
Rules and info
>1. I will not be accepting early route shitmon.
>2. Legendary/shiny/high IV mon are not necessary but are appreciated.*See below
>3. I will be trading in batches of 5 or 6 at a time.
>4. I will post who i've added before trading, if you're not online or do not respond after 3 attempts to trade then i'll have to skip you.
>5. If you are skipped feel free to repost but you position in line will change.
>6. Any arguments or whining about how long its taking and theres a good chance i'll skip you (you will be told).
>7. I reserve the right to cease the giveaway at anytime.
Firstly this giveaway is probably going to run over the next couple of days so don't worry i'll try to get around to you. If you fail to post your IGN, FC and the CHU wanted in your post i'll have to skip you (even if your IGN and FC are in the name field).
*Any Legendary/shiny/high IV mon will be cloned and given out at a later date.
~Please enjoy the giveaway~
>Giveaway will begin at 10:30pm GMT
>If I need to leave I will pick up the thread at a later time and again i'll give an hour announcement beforehand.