Ethan would have pure husbando (Which in reality means strengthened friendship.) and bro-tier Typhlosion and Feraligatr team-up destroying Lyra's Marill-replacement ('Cause of that cooler incident.), Meganium.Maybe next time, honkies.
>Segment .3 - Confirmation for Death - Hoenn - BrendanYour spiritual soul once again feels disconnected from the world, but by now you've gotten sorta-kinda used to it. Once again, it flies to another area, one more watery, and synchronizes with another spirit.
It takes a few minutes for the connection to establish, but once it does, you literally feel like a whole new man.
Congratulations, fag.
You are now Brendan, a boy from Littleroot Town of an ambiguous teenage age. In contrast to those other nerds from earlier, you're not the champion of the Hoenn region, which is mostly because you dropped the position of a Pokemon trainer because "you didn't think you were cut out for it after all".
Surprisingly, your "rival" and girl next-door neighbor, May, quit being a trainer for the same reason. Such a shame too. As much as you'd like to romp around the region all willy-nilly, it's just not worth it considering the fact that it's too tedious when it comes to water. The developers really phoned it in on that one.
Speaking of May, for a friend, she's rather cold and hostile, and this is evident when things don't go her way. Really explains why she chose Torchic.
You? You chose Mudkip because you like him.