Subhumans who don't rate don't get rated.
>>46572651Pretty based only ones I really dislike are Excadrill and Gardevoir. Fucking love a lot of these Pokemon and would use in a playthrough.
>>46570247Eesh, obviously some givens like Heracross are good but
>Tapus>Solgaleo>TWO djinni>>46569808Tox and the fairy thing are fucking terrible and Excadrill isn't great, neither is the lion of ketchup and mustard but the rest are good.
>>46569531Based I like all of these
>>46562694bretty gud, unabashedly mainstream, good on you for not backing down from that stance on a place like /vp/
>>46562639>Imp thing>Grookey>Slowpoke but purple >incineroar>Fetish Lizard>Ugly turtle>SmogonbirdChirst this is bad.