are trainer pokemon in LAWDS already fully EV trained? something about them just feels off
>>57185633>50>three months>this many fuckups despite thatthis feels like an absolutely inordinate amount of playtesters for something like this.
it feels like less actual playtesters who really delve into the nitty gritty and give actual critque and more just a hugbox of people who have no idea how to actually playtest and just say the dev cooked or something. pointless praise. i'd rather be brutally critiqued so i know what to change.
i don't get rushing a game for specific dates, like a birthday, as well. there's nothing wrong with being a little later while still making it a birthday thing.
also as someone with unmedicated ADHD and a busy life, using that as a pity party excuse genuinely pisses me off.
>>57186546welcome back!
>>57186801oh that sounds dreadful, and seeing some of the patch notes LAWDS has it almost feels like i'm racing against the clock to beat the game before the few tools i have get nerfed
>>57186908>I really hate hacks like this that take an already existing region and substitute every character with OCs.i'm fine with them if the OCs are at the very least interesting. these are just... boring guys.
>LAWDSi'm really excited about some of the new aelita stuff, but i'm finding some of these changes really fucking bizarre
>>57187199these are such... bizarre changes. i get tinkaton's mold breaker makes fake out and thunder wave some absolutely elite utility but, it's just a tinkaton
i bet enemy tinkaton still have those moves too.