>>50140143I really don't understand the hate behind this.
>Fletchling is literally given the spotlight at the beginning of the game before this>The scripted encounter draws a direct comparison to BW, almost as if to say "hey look old Pokemon are in the game, too!" (Which is only tiresome now because they didn't continue alternating a strategy of making a game with only new Pokemon vs. another after it with old to make a steady rotation without doing the dex cut shit)>Pidgey are the rarer bird on the route anyway, which rewards those who bother catching their first encounter and encourage players to stick around in this literal filler route to get the cooler new birdBut meanwhile /vp/ will say this is the problem and not having every other NPC shoehorn Kanto into the conversation as if it's relevant and not blatant pandering. Part of the GENIUS of Black and White was having the entire experience feel completely new-- the other part of why that's such a smart move is that it allows them to make older Pokemon relevant and feel equally fresh, as was the case for both BW2 and XY.
You cannot tell me, with that context, that the references in XY that get outshined by the dozens of other region nods are in any way comparable to having a non-meager percentage of the game's dialogue center around Kanto's existence with no actual payoff because they couldn't be assed to put any effort into their pandering.
Pic absolutely fucking related. Tell me why this shouldn't have been Unovans or why the single reference to Kalos in SWSH was a throwaway line about how close Galar is to it. I don't even like XY but I will defend it for what it was for the rest of my life, probably. We'd have been so much better off is Gen 7 was a continuation of what they went for and Alola focused completely on its new species with a large percentage of the remaining regional forms being for shit OTHER than Kanto to prep for their 151-only Kanto remake.