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Beat Burgh, it went pretty well. Drilbur took on Dwebble, although Faint Attack was starting to wear it down. Leavanny was next, and I knew having Drilbur in would be a death sentence, so I switched Herdier in to deal with it. Intimidate and Eviolite gave it a lot of bulk, and it could have withstood a Crit Razor Leaf, maybe even two.
Problem was, Leavanny landed Grasswhistle, so I was starting to get nervous. I sent in Watchog, dodged a Razor Leaf, and used Hypnosis. Again, completely risky, but I can't imagine I'll keep Watchog on the team for much longer so I think it would be fine to risk it. Super Fang and two Strengths took it right out.
After was Karrablast, but I got my Darumaka in and despite Hustle's accuracy drop, I landed both Fire Punches and I was able to win the day.
Meanwhile my Servine and my own Leavanny (which evolved after grinding it) didn't really do much. One or both of 'em are probably on their way out to the barracks soon.
Five more encounters coming up now: Desert Resort, Relic Castle, Route 5, Route 16, and Lostlorn Forest. Hopefully I get something good, although now that I think about it, maybe it could be best to leave Relic Castle 'til later so I can go after Volcarona as my encounter.