Replying to posts I don't recognize
>>51836915Stay strong my brother in Christ
>>51836711Keep on zoomin' skull kid
>>51837309you need a stronger team if you want to battle adhd daily
>>51837459champion red-pilled stepford smiler
>>51837646based No More Heroes cosplayer, bretty good Pokemon
>>51837777make this guy a mod
>>51837870gee anon, how come you get THREE pseudos? But you picked 3 good ones so I will let it slide
>>51838062That's a lot of yella, good team though
>>51838074Something about this team seems odd to be but I can't figure out what, like they're all chosen with some criteria in mind
>>51838137I also enjoy Diablo too:Lord of Destruction
>>51841008hands off those Pokemon, anon
>>51841151pretty standard choices but I prefer Magneton
>>51841224Pinballers are the manliest trainers, did you beat it
>>51841469neat cramorant
>>51842263I respect the Surskit choice, Parappa Anon
>>51842392looks kind of like Ghetsis and Cynthia
>>51842588checked, I should play some Wii Sports fellow rooner
>>51842632solid, but give yourself the Squirtle Squad shades
>>51842817I suspect this anon is a ditto
>>51843007>>51847150>Verdanturf and THE GOOSE>niiice.jpg>>51843477checked, nice toof. I like Raichu but not alolan Raichu
>>51843480nice music and team, but
>hisui Zoroarklook at how they massacred my boy
>>51843646This team also has a weirdly uniform look, like they're all stuffed animals
>>51843996Crawdaunt is a supreme pick
>>51844034>actingWhat movies would I have seen you in anon?
>>51844715smoking is bad for you anon, you have to live to keep playing Pokemon!
>>51844837Favorite is grass/fighting but no Breloom??
>>51846619No complaints here, good taste all around
>>51846622Checked, tasteful music and game choices. Sableye gets slept on in-game but I found a shiny one in Sapphire that caused all sorts of shenanigans